
Showing posts from April, 2021

10 Online Jobs That Pay $15/hr or More (for Students in 2021)

Hey guys welcome back to the blog. T oday we're going to take a look at 10 different online jobs that you can get in 2021.   Even if you are still a high school or a  college student now you can do these. Even if you aren't a student all of the jobs that I’m going to mention can realistically pay 15$ or more an hour just really depending on how experienced you are with these and your attention to detail. So, for most of the jobs that I’m going to mention I would recommend using a platform like Upwork and this is not sponsored in any way. But with Upwork you can actually look through jobs that people have already posted. Who are actively looking for help with their projects?  Y ou could also use something like  fiverr  but I tend to find that with fiverr it's really built more for people looking for freelancers rather than the other way around. Upwork ...

3 easy steps of writing a perfect blog.

Hey everyone! Everyone who wirtes a blog   follow a similar format.  And you know what, it's not out of coincidence, it's for a reason.  Because that formula helps blogger generate maximum  visitors per blog post.  Do you wanna know that formula on  how bloggers write the perfect blog post?  Today I'm gonna share with you,  how to write a blog post from start to finish.   Now before we get started, I just wanna ask you guys  to follow me .  Now, I have a question for you:  How many of you have written a blog post before?   If you have, leave a comment with "yes".  If you haven't, leave a comment with "no".  Because you know what, whether you have written a  blog post before or you haven't,  and I'm still curious in how many of you written one,  I'm gonna share with you the perfect formula  that I follow for my own blog.  It works for a B2C ,B2B, a personal blog or a  corporate blog, ...

How I Trained Myself to Study Long Hours (Even When I Don't Want To)

Hello everyone welcomes to my blog. Let's just cut to the chase here's how I train myself to study for long hours even when I don't want to. My number one tip for you is to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by breaking everything down into smaller chunks. What I mean by that is that if you have pages to read if you have mountain loads of slides to go through that can be a motivating factor but it can also bring about anxiety and it can overwhelm you. Leading you to procrastinate you can have you can feel this pressure just sitting on top of your shoulders. Trust me I felt that and here's how you can prevent it. So the first thing that you have to do is to write everything down, so grab a piece of paper a notebook or, a whiteboard and, then write everything down that you have to do for that day for that weekend and just break it down into smaller chunks like I'm gonna finish chapter two and three of this textbook. I'm gonna finish lecture two three four and...

How to sleep fast?

  Hey everyone and welcome to my blog  today we're going to learn about four  easy steps to fall asleep fast.  Now let's  begin number one turn off electronics do  you fall asleep with the TV on or maybe  you browse social media before bed  whether you're looking at your phone  your computer or a TV screen your  technology might be keeping you up a  2014 study looked at the sleep patterns  of over seven hundred teenagers each one  used some form of Technology at night  the researchers tested participants  based on the device they used before bed  so one group played video games while  another watch TV they discovered that  all electronics interfered with sleep in  some way playing video games delayed  sleep onset watching TV led to early  rising even listening to music increased  the risk of having nightmares but every  technology had one thing in common they  all made...